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Fire Inspections

Fire Prevention/
Risk Reduction

The Sheboygan Fire Department conducts annual fire safety inspections of commercial and general assembly occupancies. Inspections and building familiarizations are performed by 24hr line personnel assigned from the closest area fire station. These 1900 inspections are administered and reviewed for discrepancies by the Division Chief of Prevention and Inspection. Occupancies required to be inspected are all public buildings and places of employment.


Possible exits and the paths taken to reach them, fire extinguishers, electrical systems, emergency lighting, sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems are just some of the items examined. If a violation is noted, a time frame is given to the owner or occupant to make the required corrections before a re-inspection is conducted.


The Division Chief of Prevention and Inspection works closely with the City’s Planning and Building departments to review plans for new construction and remodeling projects. Issues such as fire department access, water supply, exits, alarm systems, emergency lighting, suppression systems, and fire safe construction are evaluated.


> Self Fire Inspection Checklist

> Contact us to update business ownership or phone number

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